full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ethan Lindenberger: Why we need to fight misinformation about vaccines

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So really, for most circumstances, for most teenagers and most people, when they get criticized, it leads to doubt. And that doubt leads to questioning, and that questioning leads to quitting. Because, when you have a topic that you're interested in, or a mvmnoeet that you want to be a part of, and you're taking a stance and saying what's true, good ideas don't aviod cisciirtm. And for especially young people, they have a hard time dealing with that, and these important discussions that need young peploe to take a part in, it takes a lot of commitment.

Open Cloze

So really, for most circumstances, for most teenagers and most people, when they get criticized, it leads to doubt. And that doubt leads to questioning, and that questioning leads to quitting. Because, when you have a topic that you're interested in, or a ________ that you want to be a part of, and you're taking a stance and saying what's true, good ideas don't _____ _________. And for especially young people, they have a hard time dealing with that, and these important discussions that need young ______ to take a part in, it takes a lot of commitment.


  1. criticism
  2. movement
  3. avoid
  4. people

Original Text

So really, for most circumstances, for most teenagers and most people, when they get criticized, it leads to doubt. And that doubt leads to questioning, and that questioning leads to quitting. Because, when you have a topic that you're interested in, or a movement that you want to be a part of, and you're taking a stance and saying what's true, good ideas don't avoid criticism. And for especially young people, they have a hard time dealing with that, and these important discussions that need young people to take a part in, it takes a lot of commitment.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
small town 2
stay authentic 2
personal decision 2

Important Words

  1. avoid
  2. circumstances
  3. commitment
  4. criticism
  5. criticized
  6. dealing
  7. discussions
  8. doubt
  9. good
  10. hard
  11. ideas
  12. important
  13. interested
  14. leads
  15. lot
  16. movement
  17. part
  18. people
  19. questioning
  20. quitting
  21. stance
  22. takes
  23. teenagers
  24. time
  25. topic
  26. true
  27. young